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What to consider when buying contact lenses

What to consider when buying contact lenses

The world is a beautiful place and to be able to see it that way, you need to have healthy eyesight. Since every eye is not same, and every contact lenses have to be different too which is why choosing the right lens becomes essential. With the wide array of contact lenses options available in the market, you need to make the right choice and choose the ones prescribed by your ophthalmologist.
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Understanding different types of disabilities

Understanding different types of disabilities

Disability limits a person’s movements, some which are required to perform even the simplest of tasks. Some are born disabilities while others develop them as a result of some circumstances or with age. They include the following: Vision impairment : This refers to people who cannot see. Vision impairment could be a cause of old age or an accident.
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Treat your kidney infection with food

Treat your kidney infection with food

Pyelonephritis, commonly known as kidney infection is a urinary tract infection (UTI) that is caused by bacteria in the urinary tract. Since this infection is quite serious, the infected individual should visit a doctor immediately. A person diagnosed with the condition is treated with prescribed antibiotics. However, the following food items will aid you in a quicker recovery from the kidney infection.
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Preventing kidney infections in kids

Preventing kidney infections in kids

Pediatric kidney infection is a common condition in children, which is a type of urinary tract infection (UTI). When bacteria infect a part of the urinary system, you can suffer from a kidney infection. Initially, it affects your child’s lower part of the urinary tract, usually the bladder. Then, the infection proceeds upstream to one or both the kidneys, which is part of the upper urinary tract.
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Seven natural cures for kidney infections

Seven natural cures for kidney infections

Kidney infection can be quite painful and discomforting for the people dealing with its infection. A dose comprising medication of pain killers as well as antibiotics prescribed by the doctor for a speedy recovery is necessary. However, one should always try natural ways to cure kidney infections as alternative medicines can be equally in preventing future risks.
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What causes kidney infections?

What causes kidney infections?

A kidney infection leads to symptoms like pain in the abdomen and lower back region, as well as discolouration and cloudy appearance of the urine. Many reasons may cause a kidney infection and kidney stones, which should be dissolved with a timely diagnosis. Here are some of the causes of kidney infections.
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