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Popular treatment options for Peyronie’s disease

Popular treatment options for Peyronie’s disease

Peyronie’s disease is the result of multiple penile injuries that cause painful and curved erections. It is a rare type of erectile dysfunction and the cause of the same is largely unknown. Many studies suggest that this form of erectile dysfunction may be caused due to a trauma to the penis.
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Identifying the symptoms of Dementia

Identifying the symptoms of Dementia

The risk of suffering from a number of mental conditions increases with age. Dementia is one such mental condition that majorly affects elderly people. This is not a disease in itself but is a collection of conditions such as memory loss, weakened coordination and the weakening of other mental faculties.
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Suffering from dry itchy eyes – Here is what you can do

Suffering from dry itchy eyes – Here is what you can do

Dry eye is a syndrome or a medical condition wherein the eye lubricant is not sufficient, or there is a lack of moisture in the surface layer. It is a very bothering ailment where there is a constant itchiness in the eyes sometimes with a red hue, due to an inflamed cornea.
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Top Electronic Medical Record Software

Top Electronic Medical Record Software

There are some advances made by medical science when it comes to diagnosis and treatment of even the most complex ailments. The advancement of technology in this field has not merely stopped at the treatment of diseases. There is now a sophisticated play of software called EMR or electronic medical records, which creates an easy and efficient means of storing reams of medical charts and reports.
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Switch from paper to electronic records with these Steps

Switch from paper to electronic records with these Steps

With everything coming under the purview of the digital revolution, could medical science be far behind? The world is continually seeing new and highly-evolved technologies entering this field to help make the lives of human beings better. Along with diagnosis and treatment of many ailments, technology has also taken over the way medical records are being filed and called up.
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Get rid of shingles by knowing the best treatment options

Get rid of shingles by knowing the best treatment options

Most people have chicken pox once in their lifetime. The virus stays dormant for a majority of the time. In some rare and unfortunate cases, this virus wakes up traveling along the nerve fiber, making way to the skin giving painful rashes. This is called shingles. Proper treatments for shingles can shorten the longevity of the ailment.
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