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What is an  A1C test?

What is an A1C test?

A1C test analyses blood sugar levels for the past 2-3 months. It is used for diagnosing type 1 and type 2 diabetes and also to check blood sugar levels on a continuous basis. Lower A1C levels indicate good management of diabetes. A high A1C level can increase a person’s risk of diabetes complications.
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Spend less, save more with allergy medicine coupons

Spend less, save more with allergy medicine coupons

Medicines are an integral part of any household. Especially with kids in the household, certain generic medicines must be present at all times. You never know when the kids would fall sick for the different places they play in and the things they get exposed to. Allergies being widespread, having allergy medicines handy makes sense.
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Spiriva alternatives to treat COPD

Spiriva alternatives to treat COPD

When you are suffering from COPD or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Spiriva is a drug that is widely recommended. It is the brand name for tiotropium, which is advised for patients suffering from bronchitis or asthma as well. This medicine helps in relaxing the airways so that you can breathe more comfortably.
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The diagnosis and treatment of colon cancer

The diagnosis and treatment of colon cancer

Colon cancer is a cancer of the large intestine, which forms the lower part of the digestive system. Colon cancer usually begins in a very small level with clumps of cells called adenomatous polyps. These serve as warning signs of colon cancer. Over time, these polyps change into cancerous cells.
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Migraine Headaches – Symptoms, Triggers, And Treatment Options

Migraine Headaches – Symptoms, Triggers, And Treatment Options

Migraines are painful, recurring headaches that can be preceded or accompanied by sensory signs and other types of systems. As per The National Headache Foundation, around 28 million people in the country are prone to migraine headaches, with women getting it more than men.  The cause of a migraine is not completely understood.
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Know about the common symptoms of leukemia

Know about the common symptoms of leukemia

Leukemia refers to cancer of the blood-forming tissues in the body. These tissues include the lymphatic system and the bone marrow. This disease affects the functioning of white blood cells, which are the key to fighting infections. In a healthy body, these cells divide and multiply in the most natural manner as required by the body.
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