What is Melanoma Skin Cancer
Sadly, most folks still enjoy sunbathing without any concern for proper skin protection, which can be fatal. Recent statistics from the Skin Cancer Foundation estimate 87,110 new cases of melanoma for the year 2017 with approximately 9,730 melanoma deaths. While melanoma is only responsible for roughly 1-percent of reported skin cancer cases, the vast majority of these cases are due to sun exposure. However, if caught early, melanoma can be effectively treated with minor surgery.
What is Melanoma?
Melanoma is cancer that develops on the skin’s surface due to UV Radiation from the sun and then spreads aggressively to the lymph nodes if left untreated.

Protecting your skin from Melanoma
While wearing a sunscreen with at least SPF 30 or higher is a good start to protecting you from developing melanoma, these skin cancer prevention tips can go a long way to safeguarding your skin…
- Never use tanning booths
- In the hot sun, cover up with loose clothing and wear a large-brimmed hat and sunglasses with UV protection.
Complete home skin self-scans weekly before your bath or shower. Report abnormal skin moles and markings to your doctor.
Ask your doctor to perform an annual “skin check” or refer you to a dermatologist when necessary.