Tips for Traveling with a Cold
Nobody wants to travel with a cold, but there could be some unavoidable circumstances where we have to go ahead with our travel plan. Air travel with a head cold is especially a nightmare as it can cause great discomfort to the ears due to the congestion and sinus pressure.
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Here are a few travel health tips that can help you travel with no or minimal discomfort:
Breathe in the steam
An airplane’s dry air, much like that of the desert, decreases the flow of the mucus in the nose, allowing the viruses and bacteria to linger inside the nose.

Say no to caffeine and alcohol
If you take cold and sinus medicine and continue to take caffeine and alcohol drinks, it may not be of use as these drinks will cause dehydration and loss of moisture. This will dry up the nasal passage, thus worsening the situation.
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Modified Valsalva maneuver
This technique clears the sinuses and gives great sinus pressure relief. Close your mouth, lightly pinch your nose, shut with your thumb and forefinger, swallow and blow gently (not too powerfully as it may damage your ears) into your nose without releasing the fingers.
Consume vitamins
Taking your vitamins regularly, especially chewing on vitamin C, helps relieve the cold symptoms. You can start by taking a glass of lukewarm lemon water in the morning. Another natural cold and sinus medicine is Black Elderberry Syrup or Echinacea.
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Carry lozenges
Always keep some lozenges ready at hand as they are of great help. One of the common problems associated with a cold is drying of the throat, which may result in throat pain and irritation. Chewing on lozenges prevents drying by maintaining the saliva in the mouth.
Have a decongestant
While packing your travel medical kit, make sure you include a decongestant with your cold and sinus medicine. It gives relief to the congested sinus tissue and keeps the nasal passage moist. However, take care while combining any nasal sprays with decongestant tablets. If traveling by air, use the spray an hour before boarding the flight.
Stay hydrated
Water is one of the best cold and sinus medicines. Drink 5 to 8 glasses of water as it maintains the moisture levels in the body and importantly, maintains a moist nasal system, preventing the discomfort associated with drying up of the nasal system.
Carry warm clothes
Cold and sinus medicine help prevent and control the symptoms, but warm clothes help protect the immune system. Sometimes, while traveling even to warm places, we may have to be confined to cold interiors like the interior cabin of the plane. Exposure to such cold climates can weaken the immune system and its response to the viral exposure.
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Apart from carrying over-the-counter cold and sinus medicine, following these simple travel tips can help you greatly in having a smooth travel experience.