Popular types of ski wax to watch out for
There are two basic purposes for applying wax to skis. While waxing can simply assist to provide the ski a very strong grip, it can simply arrange a smoother gliding motion all over the snow. Actually, there are varied types of ski waxes namely base waxes and running waxes. These two larger groups are simply the subgroups that are dependent upon the specific conditions of the snow on which you ski. Some of the best ski wax reviews, distinguish ski waxes on the base of their types. Here are some of the most popular types of ski waxes available.
Base Wax
As the name suggests, base waxes are those which are applied to the base of the ski.

Running wax
Running waxes are those that are gripping or gliding. While running wax can be simply hard or soft, it must be applied to the center of the ski only. However, the part of the ski that usually runs the wax is the part where the skip needs to grip the snow properly when you press tightly on it. The soft running waxes are generally known as ‘klisters’ and are much stickier and provide a tighter grip that simply appears in the tubes. Ski wax prices in case of running wax ranges from $7-$20.
Glide wax
Glide waxes are utilized to offer a smoother ride on the snow, and this kind of ski wax must only be applied to the tips as well as tails of the skis to achieve this result. While, there are general purposes of glide waxes, these are usually used by highly experienced skiers who follow the color coding system to achieve excellent results. Violet colored coded wax is known to be used for the purpose of mushy snow or snow that has been filled with crumbling clumps of the older snowfall. Many ski wax reviews recommend skiers to determine the type of snow you would be skiing on. Once you know your location, you can visit ski wax sale to stock up waxes at rock bottom ski wax prices.