Know about the Ill Effects of Smoking
Smoking is a bad habit which leads to several health issues. Tobacco smoking in any form can be dangerous. A cigarette consists of different ingredients such as nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide, and acetone which are really hazardous to one’s health. According to the American Lung Association, there are around 6000 ingredients found in cigarettes. Other smoking replacements like cigars and hookahs also have a lot of similarities to the effects of smoking cigarettes. The ingredients generate nearly 7000 chemicals while burning. Many chemicals among them are highly poisonous and around 69 of them are carcinogenic.
In the country alone, death as a cause of being a long-term smoker is almost three times higher as compared to other conditions. A regular habit of smoking will not only affect the lungs but also the other organs in the body.

Ill effects of smoking
There are a number of ill effects of smoking that a regular smoker can experience. Some of the ill effects experienced by a smoker in different organs are as follows:
Cardiovascular system: Nicotine, which is a prominent ingredient of cigarette smoke, leads to the tightening of blood vessels. This can be a prominent cause of peripheral artery disease. Thus, the cardiovascular system in one’s body can largely get affected by smoking. It also imposes higher risks to the occurrence of strokes, blood clots, and hypertension.
Respiratory system: The lungs of a person mainly face severe damage due to prolonged smoking for a long period of time. In most cases, one can experience an onset of conditions like chronic bronchitis, lung cancer, and emphysema. Respiratory discomforts can occur due to withdrawal from smoking as well. In most of the cases, this temporary phenomenon occurs due to the recovery of the airways in your lungs.
Skin, hair, and nails: Emissions from cigarette smoke can cause squamous cell carcinoma which is a type of skin cancer. Distinct changes can occur in the skin of a person who smokes for a prolonged period of time. Fungal nail infections can also occur due to persistent smoking. Hair loss, graying, and balding are other effects long-term smokers may experience.
Digestive system: A continuous habit of smoking affects the insulin levels in the body. Prolonged smoking can make a person resistant to insulin. A smoker has higher chances of developing type-2 diabetes if they have a habit of smoking. Persistent smoking can also lead to the onset of pancreatic cancer.
How smoking is bad for one’s health
Smoking is bad for human health because it takes the prominent shape of an addiction within a short span of time. Continuous smoking can have several immediate effects like nausea, headaches, and sudden coughs. Long-term effects of smoking can include smoker’s cough, problems related to the reproductive organs, and so on.
Common diseases caused due to smoking
The most common disease related to prolonged smoking is cancer. Numerous chemicals which are emitted from the smoke of a cigarette are carcinogens. These carcinogens, in turn, can be a leading cause of cancer. Lung cancer is a common disease which can affect people who are addicted to smoking. There are several other respiratory disorders that can also occur as well.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and it is commonly advised to give up the habit of smoking. Doing so will save a person from the adverse effects of smoking and, in turn, help them lead a healthier life.