Important Facts about Celiac Disease That You Should Know
Celiac disease is the most common digestive disorder which most people in the country suffer from. It is an immune disease related to one’s gluten intake. This disorder is caused due to an immune reaction to Gliadin. It is found in barley, wheat, rye, and oats.
The disease results in the inflammation of villi, the small structures in the intestine that aid in food digestion. They are found in the inner wall of the small intestine and are responsible for the absorption of different nutrients.
In the case of the celiac disease, mal-absorption can happen due to the ill-functioning or the destruction of villi.

Causes of celiac disease
An interaction between certain genes is the main cause of celiac disease. Eating foods rich in gluten can be another main cause why you can have a higher risk of developing this disease.
Though there are many assumptions related to the causes of celiac disease, the exact cause is still not known.
This disease is caused when your immune system acquires a harmful reaction to the gluten present in food. The villi get damaged severely, resulting in abnormal absorption of food. No matter how much you eat, you cannot get the exact amount of nutrients in your body due to the destructed villi.
Gene variations can also count as a risk factor for the development of this disease. It is not always obvious though, but you may be more prone to acquiring this disease. Caucasians and many other ethnic groups have more risk to develop celiac disease. Patients with type-1 diabetes, Turner’s syndrome, Down syndrome, Addison’s disease, colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc., can be a higher risk of developing the celiac disease.
Celiac disease can cause a number of complications such as deficiency of calcium, intolerance towards lactose, cancer, neurological problems, and infertility, apart from malnutrition. You should always take a gluten-free diet in order to avoid the development of celiac disease.
Symptoms of celiac disease
This disease is permanent and majorly incurable. If you are a victim of this disease, then you may experience the symptoms, either in a mild way or in a severe manner. Some of the most prominent symptoms of celiac disease are gastrointestinal abnormalities, fatigue, sore mouths, fluid retention, the condition of infertility, muscle roughness, discharge of blood from the stool, fatty stools with foul smell, nose bleeds, etc. You should always consider visiting a doctor if you experience any of the symptoms.
Treatment for celiac disease
At present, there are no distinct treatments for celiac disease, though research and investigations are rapidly ongoing. Scientists may very soon come up with a proper vaccine for celiac disease. There may be medications available too in the future. The only way to treat and manage the celiac disease, for now, is to have a completely gluten-free balanced diet. This kind of a diet can help in the regeneration of the villi in the small intestine. You can get back a healthy physique. For the other complications which act a symptom of celiac disease, proper medications can be easily taken.