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Know About Gout Foot Pain And Its Treatment Options

Know About Gout Foot Pain And Its Treatment Options

Gout foot pain happens to be one of the most common medical ailments that are experienced by many in the US. For those who are unaware, gout pain happens when the uric acid particles or crystals get accumulated in the joints of the bones. When our body becomes incapable of assimilating the uric acid particles normally, not only gout foot pain but also other issues like stones in kidney and malfunction of the kidney system can occur.
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7 Common Ways to Treat Hemophilia

7 Common Ways to Treat Hemophilia

Hemophilia is an inherited genetic disorder that is passed on from the mother. A mutation in the X-linked recessive chromosome causes this and since females possess two X-chromosomes and males possess one X and one Y-chromosome, a female with the mutation may not be affected. This is because the other X chromosome in the female will produce the clotting factors necessary for normal clotting.
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Treatment and Management of Hemophilia A

Treatment and Management of Hemophilia A

For some, treating hemophilia can be a lifelong process. This genetically-acquired disease cannot be cured, but it can be managed with the help of a specialized hemophilia treatment center (HTC). Since there are various severities, the forms of treatment also differ. The most common form of the illness is Hemophilia A and here we’ll take a close look at the treatments recommended and lifestyle changes that a person with suffering from this illness should follow.
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What Causes Blood Clots and How to Treat It

What Causes Blood Clots and How to Treat It

A blood clot can be harmless or very serious depending on a lot of factors. If an internal blood clot is immobile and dissolves on its own you might not even know it existed, but if it starts moving towards vital organs like the heart, lungs, and brain, it can result in a very serious situation.
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