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A Guide to Treating Migraine Headaches

A Guide to Treating Migraine Headaches

A headache is a physical condition, which every individual has to experience sometimes in their life. While a headache can be quite disturbing and get you impaired, it generally does not have a severe impact on your life. However, getting a migraine headache is something different. A migraine headache can get the affected person completely disabled for a minimum period of six hours to one day or even more.
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Here’s Why Calcium Supplements Must Not Be Ignored

Here’s Why Calcium Supplements Must Not Be Ignored

The general assumption is that calcium supplements improve bone strength and while that is the very reason we take these supplements, overuse could result in heart problems. In this article, we will discuss why calcium supplements are important. Why do people need calcium? The body needs calcium to build and maintain strong and healthy bones.
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12 Ways to Deal with Common Cold

12 Ways to Deal with Common Cold

There are mornings when you feel feverish, unmotivated, have a cough, and a stuffy nose and cough. That’s not all. An aching body and a heavy head add to your misery. More often than not, it’s just a case of the common cold. A quick visit to the doctor, though, is always a good idea.
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6 Tips to Choose the Perfect Mattress

6 Tips to Choose the Perfect Mattress

A mattress is a necessity more than a luxury. Many people tend to delay buying the mattress for some reason or the other. The budget issue, lack of awareness that a full mattress could do a lot of damage to your body, and much more are some common reasons for the same.
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Effective Home Remedies to Treat Cavities

Effective Home Remedies to Treat Cavities

Caries, the other word for cavities, can be defined as the small holes or openings in the teeth that are a result of decaying tooth. To be able to know as to how to treat cavities, first, it’s important to know the causes of cavities. Cavities are a result of plaque and bacteria that builds its home on the teeth’s surface.
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Easy Home Remedies to Get Rid of Under Arm Body Odor

Easy Home Remedies to Get Rid of Under Arm Body Odor

Body odor, specifically underarm body odor, is caused by sweat produced by the apocrine glands. Apocrine glands are present, in large numbers, in the armpit. The sweat produced by apocrine glands mixes with the bacteria on the skin and results in body odor. Often offensive in nature, underarm body odor not only hampers one’s confidence but also has a negative impact on the way a person carries themselves.
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