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Be on the Lookout for These Prostate Cancer Symptoms

Be on the Lookout for These Prostate Cancer Symptoms

Prostate cancer is the cancer that starts in the prostate gland and is one of the most common cancers in American men. Here is a list of the prostate cancer symptoms that you should be on the lookout for. The prostate gland is the male sex gland that is responsible for producing the thick fluid that helps sperms propel out of the penis during sexual intercourse.
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Do You Have Any of These Cervical Cancer Symptoms?

Do You Have Any of These Cervical Cancer Symptoms?

The changes in your body that you have been ignoring may actually be cervical cancer symptoms. Here’s what you need to know. Cervical cancer is the type of cancer that affects the cells of the cervix in a woman—cervix is the narrow lower part of your uterus and is connected to the vagina.
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Do Not Ignore These Testicular Cancer Symptoms

Do Not Ignore These Testicular Cancer Symptoms

Testicular cancer is a life-threatening disease. Early detection of the cancer results in a better prognosis. Watch out for these testicular cancer symptoms, and seek help if you notice them. Testicular cancer is a disease that is characterized by the growth of cancerous cells in the testes of the male reproductive system.
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How to Differentiate Between HIV and AIDS

How to Differentiate Between HIV and AIDS

Having HIV and having AIDS does not mean one and the same thing. Learn how to tell one from the other. What is the exact difference between HIV and AIDS? Are they the same disease? These are a few of the most commonly asked questions when it comes to HIV.
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Do You Have These Milk Intolerance Symptoms?

Do You Have These Milk Intolerance Symptoms?

Milk intolerance is a condition where the body is not able to easily digest the natural sugar that is found in milk leading to several gastrointestinal problems on the consumption of milk or any other dairy products. Watch out for these milk intolerance symptoms so you can avoid the inconvenience.
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Common Diabetes Symptoms that You Should Take Seriously

Common Diabetes Symptoms that You Should Take Seriously

There may be various warning signs of diabetes, which you may have been ignoring till now. Knowing the common diabetes symptoms can help in early detection and treatment of the condition. Diabetes is a serious condition, and is not to be taken lightly. If a person has diabetes, it means that his or her body is not effectively producing or using the hormone called insulin.
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