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Best ways to fight depression

Best ways to fight depression

Depression is a disorder where a person experiences sadness, loss of interest and no motivation. One in three people is found to be battling depression. It is one of the most common disorders in the word today. The reason behind depression can be a major life change, loss of a loved one, disappointment or stress.
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Identifying the symptoms of Dementia

Identifying the symptoms of Dementia

The risk of suffering from a number of mental conditions increases with age. Dementia is one such mental condition that majorly affects elderly people. This is not a disease in itself but is a collection of conditions such as memory loss, weakened coordination and the weakening of other mental faculties.
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How regular exercise helps improve mental health

How regular exercise helps improve mental health

Some people hit the gym for building muscles and improving their cardiovascular health while others love spending time with their Bowflex home gym equipment for getting in shape. Regardless of individual desires and fitness goals, their regular exercise routine offers them much more than a fit body and an overall physical well being.
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All about stress incontinence

All about stress incontinence

Stress incontinence is due to undue sudden pressure on the urinary bladder. The common causes are obesity, current pregnancy, weakening of the anchoring muscles of the uterus, uterine displacement and weakening of the abdominal floor muscles due to multiple pregnancies and deliveries. Reduction of estrogen post menopause, surgical interventions like hysterectomy and pregnancy (uterus expands and presses the bladder) also contribute to weakening of muscles.
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Teen anger management counseling and its benefits

Teen anger management counseling and its benefits

A little bit if teen angst, every now and then, is perfectly normal behavior. But there are times when anger management counseling for teens is the need of the hour. Therefore, it can be helpful for parents to know when and how of teen anger management counseling and the ways to maximize its benefits.
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Naloxone and its role in treating opioid overdose

Naloxone and its role in treating opioid overdose

Opioids are a class of drugs that are also referred to as narcotics. Pain relievers like tramadol, fentanyl, oxycodone, and hydrocodone and even heroin are classified as opioids. Healthcare specialists provide these opioids in the form of prescription medicines to reduce pain in case of a major surgery or injury.
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