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Know about the Ill Effects of Smoking

Know about the Ill Effects of Smoking

Smoking is a bad habit which leads to several health issues. Tobacco smoking in any form can be dangerous. A cigarette consists of different ingredients such as nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide, and acetone which are really hazardous to one’s health. According to the American Lung Association, there are around 6000 ingredients found in cigarettes.
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Understanding scalp psoriasis and its treatment methods

Understanding scalp psoriasis and its treatment methods

Scalp psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that makes the skin cells grow rapidly. This rapid growth causes inflammation, itching, irritation, and red and scaly patches on the scalp. In some cases, scalp psoriasis also spreads to the forehead, lower back, elbows, nape, and internal areas of the ears. It can also lead to hair loss.
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Heart attack – Symptoms, causes, risk factors, treatments and more

Heart attack – Symptoms, causes, risk factors, treatments and more

A condition identified by a dysfunctional or dead heart muscle segment, caused due to loss of blood supply is referred to as a heart attack. The supply of blood is commonly lost as a result of a blockage in an artery due to a blood clot. When the heart muscle is dead, there is an electrical instability of heart muscle tissue and the person suffers from severe pain in the chest.
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Teeth discoloration – Causes and effective ways of teeth whitening

Teeth discoloration – Causes and effective ways of teeth whitening

Teeth discoloration can happen due to a varied range of reasons. Usually, the core reasons include poor oral hygiene, consumption of tobacco, and the use of certain medicines. Thankfully, most of the stains on the teeth are curable and preventable. However, for that, you must know what causes teeth discoloration, what are the different types of stains, and what are the effective ways of teeth whitening that can help you keep your pearly whites shining.
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Top 3 Dna Test Kits To Consider Buying In 2019

Top 3 Dna Test Kits To Consider Buying In 2019

Top 3 DNA test kits to consider buying in 2018 Before the invention of DNA test kits, genealogists relied on simple oral and written records to trace an individual’s family, heritage, and ancestry. Today, however, you can make use of new-age DNA test kits that help in scientifically tracing your roots.
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Everything You Need To Know About Dna Testing

Everything You Need To Know About Dna Testing

People are often curious about their ancestors and wish to know more about their roots. To aid this purpose, modern-day technology has allowed people to learn more about their ancestry with the help of DNA testing. Opting for DNA testing is beneficial in two ways; firstly, you learn more about your family tree and secondly, DNA testing can help identify whether the individual is susceptible to genetic-based diseases.
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