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Understanding HIV Treatment In The US

Understanding HIV Treatment In The US

With over 1.2 million HIV cases only in the USA, the figures stay almost consistent at around 50,000 every year. Yet with the invention of antiretroviral therapy, this traumatic disease has managed to stay suppressed and has also been successfully treated. The US FDA has a list of approved HIV treatment medications including the brand names with detailed information related to the same in the AIDS info drug database.
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Treating Peyronies Disease The Wise Way

Treating Peyronies Disease The Wise Way

And who says that only women are prone to health issues related to urology. There is a swath of disorders and disease that affect men’s health in a way that their personal life can get affected. Peyronie’s disease is one such traumatic condition that affects men’s genital part causing progressive inflammation to scars.
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An Overview On Rheumatoid Arthritis

An Overview On Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a condition that affects the bone joints. The joints like the wrist, elbow, fingers or feet start to cause pain, stiffness, and swelling. Normally the pain or other symptoms affect to more than one joint. Other earliest symptoms of Rheumatoid arthritis disease are tiredness, loss of appetite or sickness, sometimes feverish and morning stiffness.
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Blood Thinners Used As Medications To Prevent Blood Clots And Stroke

Blood Thinners Used As Medications To Prevent Blood Clots And Stroke

Blood thinners are medications used to prevent the formation of blood clots and stroke. It is taken by millions of people in the USA, including those diagnosed with atrial fibrillation (a heart rhythm disorder). The dosage of the drug is adjusted based on the blood test done on the patient.
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Know More About Cancer Immunotherapy vs Chemotherapy

Know More About Cancer Immunotherapy vs Chemotherapy

Immunotherapy tends to give an all-new beginning to the patient and stands head-to-head when compared with standard chemotherapy and the immunotherapy drug nivolumab, Clinical trial research has found that people with squamous non-small cell lung cancer who were treated with nivolumab have lived 3.2 months on an average more than those who were treated with chemotherapy.
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Treatment For Metastatic Colorectal Cancer

Treatment For Metastatic Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancers are cancer cells/tumors that appear at the below part of the digestive system (the large intestine or the rectum). Even after early diagnosis and treatments, cancers effected at the colon or rectum can reappear at a later point even if the cancer tumor is removed from the body.
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