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Top 3 super foods to ease the agony of spondylitis

Top 3 super foods to ease the agony of spondylitis

Illnesses like spondylitis are complex, and while it may be life-threatening in rare cases, spondylitis can definitely make an individual feel uncomfortable. There is no specific cure for spondylitis, but there are various alternatives for managing spondylitis. Changing your food habits goes a long way in treating spondylitis. Here are the top 3 foods that can effectively combat pain, inflammation, and stiffness that assail the body due to spondylitis.
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Best migraine and headache treatment

Best migraine and headache treatment

A migraine and headache treatment depends upon the signs that your problems are solved with chiropractic care. You should always explain your problems to the consultants so that they will guide whether the treatment should be done in the office or sent to another healthcare provider. During certain cases, the migraine or a headache will be caused due to several environmental or systemic factors which are usually not linked to any biomechanical factors that are related to the spine.
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Multiple sclerosis – Nutrition recommendations

Multiple sclerosis – Nutrition recommendations

Multiple sclerosis (MS), a chronic inflammatory disease, affects the central nervous system, leading to damage of the myelin sheaths. This condition interferes with the nerve signals and thereby the contraction and relaxation of muscle tissue. Symptoms of multiple sclerosis vary from one person to person concerning severity and duration. Common symptoms include loss of vision, pain, fatigue and impaired coordination.
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Control hypertension with exercises

Control hypertension with exercises

Almost every family has at least one person who has hypertension and takes medicine or pills to keep it under control. Hypertension increases the risk of heart stroke or failure and kidney diseases. It is even referred to as a ‘silent killer.’ Hypertension is found in one out of three adults in the US.
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Benefits of dementia care for the elderly

Benefits of dementia care for the elderly

Caring for patients with dementia requires a lot of effort both physically and emotionally, especially when they are elderly. The aged are more prone to dementia and would require assisted living dementia care. Some patients could require constant medical observation and care. Studies show that elderly patients who have been kept in assisted living dementia care have had positive results in their treatment.
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Important dementia care – Some do’s and don’ts you should know

Important dementia care – Some do’s and don’ts you should know

Dementia care is challenging especially when the patients are in the mid-to-late stages. The mood swings and behavioral problems makes it difficult not only for the patients but also their loved ones. Assisted living dementia care is increasingly growing in popularity as the preferred method to care for these patients, as the specialists and trained professionals in these facilities can manage and look after patients much better.
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