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EMR and EHR – What is the difference

EMR and EHR – What is the difference

Both these terms—electronic medical records (EMR) and electronic health records (EHR)—seem to have a simple change of an alphabet in the middle, but still, both of the terms are used by doctors, patients and other health practitioners interchangeably. There is a slight difference between these two forms of record systems.
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Find the best CPAP Supplies deals

Find the best CPAP Supplies deals

Anyone who is using a CPAP machine on a regular basis will also know that it may sometimes be an expensive device to maintain because most of the parts and CPAP supplies need to be replaced and cleaned on a constant basis. Therefore, it is always helpful to find sources where you can get the best deals for CPAP supplies.
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Frequently asked questions – CPAP supplies

Frequently asked questions – CPAP supplies

A CPAP Machine is a sleep-inducing gadget which can help people who are suffering from a range of sleep related issues. It can assist in controlling various factors around the patient so that quality sleep will be guaranteed. Yet, simply buying this machine is not enough as one will also have to invest enough of time in changing and replacing the various CPAP supplies and parts from time to time.
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Manage stress at work

Manage stress at work

Meeting project deadlines, designing marketing strategies, the pressure to perform well, completing the development task in a given time frame and the desire to be an all-rounder in the office-all of this causes an uncountable burden on a working person. Above all rivalry, misunderstanding and lack of communication added to mental stress often lead to the negative environment in organizations.
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Top health benefits of turmeric and curcumin

Top health benefits of turmeric and curcumin

The natural ingredients that were used to cure ailments in the past are being used again for the various benefits that they contain. Being natural, they have become the preferred medication as they rarely have any side effects and are most effective. Turmeric is a spice that has been used in many cultures for centuries.
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An overview of vaccinations

An overview of vaccinations

Vaccinations help in saving lives and in boosting immunity and they are high in demand. Moreover, influenza viruses are not consistent and thereby vaccines need to be updated accordingly. The whole system of vaccination is an organized process starting from discovery, development, manufacture, distribution, regulation, production, distribution, and implementation as per the federal policies.
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