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Understanding cancer recurrence

Understanding cancer recurrence

Battling cancer victoriously lets one breathe a little easier. But, that does not take away the all-consuming fear a cancer survivor harbors inside of themselves. Fear and anxiety does hinder daily life, and the only option one has is to be calm and positive. Yet, one gets jittery with every follow-up with the doctor.
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Chronic fatigue syndrome – Risk factors, symptoms, causes and more

Chronic fatigue syndrome – Risk factors, symptoms, causes and more

Chronic fatigue or chronic fatigue syndrome causes extreme tiredness. It is a never ending feeling of fatigue, that does not go away even with rest and sleep. There has been no underlying medical ailment found, that causes chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS. Usually, women have a higher risk of CFS.
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How to prepare for old age

How to prepare for old age

Aging is never looked forward to and is always portrayed in diminishing and negative light. All talk about aging is rife with difficulty, pain, and niggles. The biggest change, when it comes to aging, is the physiological changes and deterioration. Everything ranging from your heart to your head and from your bones to your muscles undergoes wear and tear over the years.
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5 common types of sleep disorders and their treatment

5 common types of sleep disorders and their treatment

Adequate and quality sleep is extremely important for mental and physical well-being. People struggle with various kinds of sleep disorders that can cause extreme discomfort and prevent them from getting a good night’s sleep. This, in turn, can make them feel tired during the day, affect their concentration levels, and even cause depression.
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5 digestive conditions and their symptoms

5 digestive conditions and their symptoms

Located between the small intestine and the esophagus, the stomach is the center of the digestive system. In most cases, other health disorders, the consumption of certain foods, the quantity of food consumed, and the timing of meals can upend the digestive process. This leads to the manifestation of several symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, appetite changes, belching, and abdominal pain.
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6 non-invasive pain manangement techniques

6 non-invasive pain manangement techniques

Pain is a signal sent by the body to the brain to indicate a problem. For instance, sharp pain in the ankle may indicate ankle sprain or even fracture, but it goes away as the muscles and bones heal. However, pain can sometimes linger for weeks or months on end, and a person may even experience chronic pain for years in extreme cases.
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