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Indigestion and abdominal pain

Indigestion and abdominal pain

Indigestion or dyspepsia is a common digestive problem. It can be due to wrongful eating or indicative of another medical condition. One of the main symptoms of indigestion is abdominal pain. Causes Indigestion has many possible causes ranging from mild to severe health problems and poor eating habits. Illnesses: Stomach ulcers Intestinal infections Irritable bowel syndrome Thyroid diseases GERD or acid reflux disease Pancreatitis Abdominal cancer (a rare cause) Diet and lifestyle:
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Health problems linked to chronic constipation

Health problems linked to chronic constipation

Constipation is a common problem. And often the cause can be poor dietary habits or lifestyle choices. But chronic constipation can also be a sign of an underlying medical problem. For permanent constipation relief, it is important to address any health problem that could be causing it. Here are some health problems and medical conditions that can cause chronic constipation.
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REM sleep disorder: Overview, symptoms, and treatment

REM sleep disorder: Overview, symptoms, and treatment

Sleep disorders comprise a large number of sleep disturbing conditions such as bed wetting to chronic insomnia and sleeplessness from degenerative disorders of the brain. Rapid Eye Movement sleep or REM sleep disorder is one of the commonly experienced sleep disorders. Below, a brief overview, REM sleep disorder symptoms, and its treatment has been mentioned.
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Top 5 delicious anti-inflammatory drinks

Top 5 delicious anti-inflammatory drinks

When one is suffering from a medical condition that causes inflammation, taking right medications and treatments become necessary. Apart from medical solutions, however, some foods that fight inflammation are available for your use as well. For those who constantly look for effective anti-inflammatory liquids that can be easily digested, we’ve got help.
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Beating IBS during pregnancy

Beating IBS during pregnancy

Experiencing heartburn and morning sickness is common during pregnancy. You may also suffer from constipation due to the intake of calcium and iron supplements.  Further, if you are already suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms like diarrhoea, gas, belly pain, etc., then symptoms can worsen during pregnancy. Read on to know how to manage the problem.
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Three easy ways to restore a healthy gut

Three easy ways to restore a healthy gut

Poor eating habits infused with unhealthy foods often lead to serious gut problems like irritable bowel syndrome, abdominal pain, etc. in many of us. Which is why, maintaining a healthy gut is necessary as it not only ensures a stronger immune system but also takes care of one’s overall well-being, by producing the right bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract.
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