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Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments of Bladder Cancer

Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments of Bladder Cancer

When the cells of the inner layer of the urinary bladder, such as the innermost mucosa, begin to grow out of control and the malignant tumor is formed, the condition is called bladder cancer. Through metastasis, the cancerous cells can spread to other body parts and become destructive. The bones, lymph nodes, liver, kidney, and lungs are the primary organs that get affected when the cancer spreads.
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Important Facts You Need to Know about Cataract

Important Facts You Need to Know about Cataract

Cataract is the most common reason why many people over the age of 60 lose their vision. It is one of the leading causes of blindness in the country. The natural lens experiences a blur due to protein deposition in this condition. There are mainly three types of cataracts according to the type of deposition.
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All You Need to Know about Bowel Incontinence

All You Need to Know about Bowel Incontinence

Bowel incontinence is a condition where a person experiences an involuntary excretion of bowel due to the loss of control of bowel movements. In this case, the stool generally leaks out of the rectum at unexpected times. This disorder is variable according to severity. It can range from an instance of occasional leakage to the total loss of bowel control.
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Suffering from Back Pain? Here’s What You Need to Know

Suffering from Back Pain? Here’s What You Need to Know

Back pain is a symptom that is accompanied by various diseases. Back pain is common in adults and can be categorized into acute and chronic pain. Acute pain continues for a long period that can be as small as 2 weeks to a maximum of 6 weeks. Chronic back pain is a type where there are persisting symptoms that range from 1 to 3 months.
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Everything You Need to Know about Autism

Everything You Need to Know about Autism

Autism is a neurological abnormality that develops among young children. The normal brain functioning is hindered by a number of interlinked factors, causing irregularity and abnormality in speech, communication, social awareness, and imaginative skills. Thus, autism depletes the standard of living of the affected child. The average age that an autistic patient may survive is estimated to be 54 years with persistent impairment of non-verbal and verbal skills.
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Important Facts Regarding Anxiety Disorders

Important Facts Regarding Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders can be defined as a mental state in which a person experiences fear from some particular situation. It often happens that those suffering from anxiety disorders feel intense fear at a certain period of time. At times, anxious feelings create a damaging influence on a person’s mental health.
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