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Electric vs. manual wheelchair

Electric vs. manual wheelchair

A wheelchair is literally a chair with wheels, which is used when walking becomes difficult or impossible due to illness, disability or injury. The most common distinction is between electric or manual. Manual wheelchairs are those that a user must move themselves, without the help of a battery. There are a host of options with ergonomic, and lightweight designs.
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Portable oxygen concentrator – To rent or to purchase?

Portable oxygen concentrator – To rent or to purchase?

Typically, the stationary home concentrators and oxygen tanks were the only options available for those who needed oxygen therapy for dealing with COPD and other respiratory disorders. But, with evolving technologies, portable oxygen concentrators have penetrated the market which provides mobility and freedom. Those who require the oxygen therapy extensively will require a stationary one, whereas, those who are less dependent on the equipment and are quite active would need a portable one which allows them to carry it around with them.
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Tips to choose lift chairs for the elderly

Tips to choose lift chairs for the elderly

Difficulty in moving around the house or commuting is common in old age. If the elderly at your place are facing problems in climbing up or getting down the stairs, buying a power lift chair may be a viable choice. Benefits of a power lift chair for the elderly Simple everyday tasks such as answering the door, going to the bathroom or preparing a meal may seem difficult due to pain or lack of muscle strength in old age.
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Eight Important Things To Consider Before Buying Electric Wheelchairs

Eight Important Things To Consider Before Buying Electric Wheelchairs

The availability of copious different models of electric wheelchairs makes choosing one a daunting task. In order to make the decision a bit easier, there are around eight important things to be considered. Below given tips will enable you to buy the most appropriate electric wheelchair as per your requirements- Weight Capacity Most electric wheelchairs, depending on the model, can support up to 300 pounds of weight.
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Essential Vitamin D Supplements You Need to Know

Essential Vitamin D Supplements You Need to Know

Vitamin D is one of the most important Vitamins in the human body which can have adverse side effects if your body lacks the required level. Lack of vitamin D or vitamin D deficiency can cause severe health conditions such as osteoporosis, arthritis, bronchitis, depression and many such life-threatening diseases.
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Best Brands for Vitamin D Supplements

Best Brands for Vitamin D Supplements

With our hectic lives and long office work hours in 9-to-5 jobs, receiving the daily dosage of vitamin D through sunlight is very difficult. The main source of vitamin D is sunlight which unfortunately is difficult to get when you live in a colder country or have long working hours inside an air-conditioned office.
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