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WBC count – Understanding the blood count

WBC count – Understanding the blood count

WBC is white blood cells in the body that is helpful in fighting against infections, germs, bacteria, and virus in the body. It is important to understand how the WBC count works and how it affects the body’s immune system. A normal WBC count varies anywhere between 3,500 to 10,500 in adults.
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Getting an overview on normal WBC count

Getting an overview on normal WBC count

WBC or White Blood Cells are present in the body to fight against various infections. These infections can be viruses, bacteria, or any kind of germs that infect the body’s immune system. White Blood Cells (WBC) keeps away these germs at bay and keep the immune system of the body healthy.
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Details of prostate-specific antigen blood test

Details of prostate-specific antigen blood test

Prostate is a gland of the male reproductive system and PSA (prostate specific agent) is a protein produced by prostate cells. Prostate cancer is diagnosed with the help of a PSA test. PSA test is performed by taking a blood sample from the patient. High PSA range indicates cancer or inflamed prostate.
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Remedies for high blood pressure

Remedies for high blood pressure

High blood pressure occurs when the arteries experience tension or high pressure. It is also known as hypertension. You must have noticed that your blood pressure readings consist of two numbers in the format x/y. X, the numerator denotes the systolic blood pressure. This number reflects the pressure experienced by the arteries as your heart contracts.
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Top tips to lower A1C levels fast and effectively

Top tips to lower A1C levels fast and effectively

Blood sugar testing at home is a useful and important tool for assessing the progress of lowering the blood sugar levels, on a day to day basis. But the problem is that these tests can only offer a snapshot of the present condition without any long-term information. That is the reason why your doctor might ask you to undergo the A1C test once in two to three months.
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Tips to lower high blood pressure

Tips to lower high blood pressure

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is the high pressure or tension in the arteries. Blood pressure readings comprise of two numbers. The number on the top is the systolic blood pressure. It denotes the tension in the arteries as the heart contracts. The number at the bottom is the diastolic blood pressure.
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