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Six oils that are great for hair growth

Six oils that are great for hair growth

Oil is an extremely important element for the human body. While it exhibits unbelievable results on your skin, it could do wonders for your hair as well. Oil hydrates the hair scalp, inducing moisture and strengthening the roots. In this article, we are going to introduce to you six essential hair oils that could help grow frizzy, curly, straight or any other kind of hair type.
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How to do a hair spa at home

How to do a hair spa at home

There should be one beauty regime that you could do yourself at home and at the same time feel pampered like you feel at your favorite salon. How about a relaxing and cost effective hair spa at home? Hair spa helps you retain the natural moisture present in your hair and nourishes your scalp from within, softening the hair and strengthening the follicles.
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Sagging neck skin – causes and cure

Sagging neck skin – causes and cure

If it is about the visible signs of aging, then most of us focus mainly on the facial skin than other parts such as the neck. One of the primary signs of aging is the tendency of the skin to lose the firmness. The skin tends to lose the elasticity, which makes it appear saggy.
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DIY scrubs for flawless skin

DIY scrubs for flawless skin

Who doesn’t want flawless complexion that belies age? But with today’s hectic lifestyle, harmful UV rays, pollution, unhealthy diet and stress, attaining a flawless complexion is easier said than done. Cosmetic products can be a stop gap solution but tend to press the wallet after a point. Natural remedies though slow to produce the desired effect are an economical and not to mention safer option to store-bought scrubs and lotions.
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How do shampoos help fight hair loss?

How do shampoos help fight hair loss?

Hair loss is a very common problem in both men and women. Hair loss can be caused by a various reason. Apart from usage of incorrect shampoo for your hair, there are other factors that affect hair loss such as regular hair wash, maintaining hygiene of the hair, intake of healthy or good nutritional food, regular shampooing, to name a few.
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How to pick a shampoo for your hair type?

How to pick a shampoo for your hair type?

There is a whole bunch of best shampoos for hair loss and you need to pick one that suits your hair type and also that helps fight hair loss. With a range of problems that are associated with hair fall, it is important to first determine the core issue that directly affects hair growth.
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