3 ways to get hands on Macy coupons
While Macy’s may not be using a post office to mail across coupons for its dedicated customers, it still does send out Macy coupons in various formats. All you have to do as a customer to receive the Macy coupons on your email or mobile phone, or even as print coupons, is to sign up for the promotions and offers on the Macy’s website. The only other alternative way by which you can find a Macy coupon is in the Sunday paper.
Getting a Macy coupon delivered through catalog:
Macy’s does not mail out coupons separately to its customers but does include a few as part of its catalog at times.

Getting an online delivery of Macy coupons:
The Macy’s website contains a listing of all the promo codes and coupons that are available for current use. These coupons are listed with the dash frames like those in a paper insert so that you can also print out these coupons listed and use them in a Macy’s store.
Getting the Macy coupons on your cellphones:
This is a convenient option that you can set up with Macy’s to get the coupon codes delivered to your phone for ease of use. All you have to do is send a message -“COUPON” to 62297 and you will start receiving all updates, offers, promos, and coupons codes as a text message to your phone. If you want to stop receiving these updates, then all you have to do is send out a message – “STOP” to the same number.
You can also get the Macy coupon codes emailed to you through subscription or sent directly to the wallet if you have signed up for the Macy’s wallet program.